Dyslexia Acupuncture Cure Treatment Herbs Centre
Cure Kl Cure Malaysia

Malaysia Acupuncture News: THE STAR

“If patients have a phobia of needles, they can be treated with herbs alone but it depends on the problem. For example, for stroke and cerebral palsy, I have to use needles,”said Leong Hong Tole, one of the well-known acupuncturist and herbalist in Malaysia.

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Dyslexia is a specific learning difficulty that mainly affects reading and spelling. Dyslexia is characterized by difficulties in processing word-sounds and by weaknesses in short-term verbal memory; its effects may be seen in spoken language as well as written language.  The current evidence suggests that these difficulties arise from inefficiencies in language-processing areas in the left hemisphere of the brain which, in turn, appear to be linked to genetic differences. 

Dyslexia is life-long, but its effects can be minimised by targeted literacy intervention, technological support and adaptations to ways of working and learning. Dyslexia is not related to intelligence, race or social background. Dyslexia varies in severity and often occurs alongside other specific learning difficulties, such as Dyspraxia or Attention Deficit Disorder, resulting in variation in the degree and nature of individuals’ strengths and weaknesses.



  • Makes poor reading progress
  • Is hesitant and laboured in reading
  • Misses out words when reading, or adds extra words
  • Fails to recognize familiar words

Written Works

  • Has a poor standard of written work compared with oral ability
  • Produces messy work with many crossing-out and words tried several times:
  • Is persistently confused by letters which look similar, particularly b/d , m/w
  • Has poor handwriting, with many "reversals" and badly formed words
  • Makes anagrams of words, eg "tired" for "tried"
  • Produceds bizarre spelling


  • Shows confused with number order
  • Is confused by symbols
  • Has difficulty remembering anything in a sequential order, eg tables


  • Has difficulty in learning to tell the time
  • Shows poor time keeping and general awareness
  • Has poor personal organization
  • Has difficulty in remembering what day of the week it is, his birth date
  • Difficult with concepts-yesterday, tomorrow.


  • Has poor motor skills
  • Has a limited understanding of non-verbal communication
  • Is confused by the difference between left and right, up and down
  • Has indeterminate hand preference
  • Performs unevenly from day to day
  • Problem with handling money-getting change


  • Employs work avoidance tactics
  • Seems to "dream"
  • Is easily distracted
  • Is the class clown, or is disruptive or withdrawn (these are often cries for help)
  • Is excessively tired, due to the amount of concentration and effort required.

If a child has a cluster of these difficullties together with some abilities, he/she may be dyslexic.


A learning disability is a condition that produces a gap between someone's ability and his or her performance. Most people with dyslexia are of average or above-average intelligence, but read at levels significantly lower than expected. Other types of learning disabilities include attention difficulties, an inability to perform well at writing skills and an inability to perform well at math skills.

The cause of dyslexia seems to be a malfunction in certain areas of the brain concerned with language. The condition frequently runs in families.

Dyslexia Treatment :

All these can be help and be corrected to normal by Using Chinese Master's Neuro Qi Qong Acupuncture and Herbal Brain powder. The time needed may various from one to another. It may need between 2 weeks to 6 months depending on the severeness of each case. They have been treating over thousands of cases of all different conditions of weakness, all have improved and many are very successful in their life and career.

The Neuro Acupuncture and herbal brain powder will regenerates the brain cells and get them connected between the two side of the brain which will also improve all the Qi flow in the brain.



Fida, 26, Malaysia. - I have a cousin who having dyslexia. She is 6 years old. After school, she always comes to my house to do her homework. One day, she asked me to teach on her homework. I was very shocked because I notice that she couldn’t write correctly. She cannot differentiate the alphabets. For examples, the word ‘help’ she will wrote ‘helq’, for word ‘was’ she will wrote ‘saw’. When I ask her to read, she could not read fluently.

But, after she undergoing THE TOLE acupuncture treatment and taking THE TOLE herbal medicine for about 1 month, she already can read fluently and able to differentiate the words. Her achievement in exam also improves. No wonder many people come to THE TOLE for treatment. Thank you so much THE TOLE Chinese Master!

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This Site is encourage by our formal patients dedicated to all special kids and wish them recovery soon